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About Us

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Since 2019, ReportOUT have been at the forefront of protecting the human rights of sexual and gender minorities in the United Kingdom and globally. As a registered charity in England and Wales (registered charity number 1185887) we are fearless, determined and relentless in our belief that human rights are fundamental to advancing the lives of sexual and gender minorities, and their communities.


We recognise that we need to succeed in our aims and objectives by also using principles from international development alongside human rights frameworks, and we believe that both of these approaches should always include sexual and gender minorities as part of them. We align all of our work with Agenda 2030, in that no one should be left behind.

Why do we use the term 'sexual and gender minorities'?

Sexual and gender minority is an umbrella term that encompasses populations included in the acronym "LGBTQI" ( lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex), and those whose sexual orientation or gender identity varies. We also use this term to encompass people who are intersex who may also recognise themself as part of the LGBTQI acronym. Occasionally, we may use the term LGBTQI+ where necessary.

What is the need for our work?

We see the human rights abuses faced by sexual and gender minorities in all nation states. The facts are:

  • 65 nation states criminalise private, consensual same-sex sexual behaviour;

  • 41 nation states criminalise private, consensual sexual activity between women using laws against 'lesbianism' and 'gross indecency';

  • 12 nation states have the death penalty or at least the possibility of it, for private consensual same-sex behaviour;

  • 14 nation states criminalise the gender identity and/or expression of transgender people;

  • Interphobia is faced by people who are intersex, who face medically unnecessary surgeries, widespread violence, and discrimination;

  • People face different forms of violence (physical and symbolic), the use of so-called 'corrective rape' and conversion therapies, the forced medicalisation of bodies, torture and police and state violence;

  • Sexual and gender minorities often live in severe poverty, have poor and inadequate housing, they face a lack of political participation, are unable to be safe in their family and personal lives, are unable to have a family and they face gender-based discrimination.

This is not an exhaustive list. We see this and we want to change it.

What do we do?

We report, inform and defend. At ReportOUT, we research, monitor and document the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities in every nation state. We educate the public about human rights infringements worldwide and we campaign for social change.


Inform: Education and Training

EducateOUT Project

Report: Research

CallOUT Project


Defend: Campaigns

CampaignOUT Project

We recognise that we need to succeed in our aims and objectives by using both international development and human rights frameworks, and we believe that both of these frameworks should include sexual and gender minorities as part of them. We align all of our work with Agenda 2030, in that no one should be left behind. 


You can read more about our work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and our response as an organisation to Climate Emergency here.

We warmly invite you to read our latest annual review of what we have achieved and our impact, here.

Image by Isi Parente

ReportOUT’s overall aim and objectives are:

To promote human rights (as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations) throughout the world for sexual and gender minorities by all or any of the following means: 

  • Eliminating infringements of human rights. 

  • Research into human rights issues.

  • Raising awareness of human rights issues.

  • Educating the public about human rights.

  • Monitoring abuses of human rights.

  • International advocacy of human rights.

  • Providing technical advice to government and others on human rights matters.

Our guiding principles:

Principle 1: No one should be left behind in delivering the articles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 


Principle 2: Every person has a part to play in achieving the goals and targets set out in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 


Principle 3: Positive change should be led by communities within a nation state and ReportOUT will support them to do this. 

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Our Theory of Change:

Our Theory of Change for ReportOUT outlines the steps we take, and what we need to have in place, to achieve our long-term goals as an organisation. All of our projects, from our research, education, events and campaigns all have an individual Theory of Change plotted, to ensure that we gain maximum impact in everything that we do!

Our broad organisational Theory of Change is as follows:


ReportOUT believe that globally, all sexual and gender minorities deserve to live with safety, dignity and should have equal rights. We believe that no one should be left behind. To do this, we empower people to elevate their voices, ensure that their human rights are met and make certain that sexual and gender minorities are not left behind in their nation states development. We ensure that lasting and positive change is felt across the globe. 


We do this through collaborating with others in all nation states (including the U.K.), through documenting human rights infringements and through bringing together collective voices to educate others and expand support for human rights activism. Through doing this, we shift power by ensuring that the human rights of sexual and gender minorities are not left behind or ignored, through influencing governments and policy makers to make positive social change. To make these changes happen, we mobilise our expertise in research, campaigns, events, and education and we bring our partnership model to work inclusively with people in, and outside, of their nation state. 

Our Three-Year Strategy:

ReportOUT are guided by not only our Theory of Change, but also our Three-Year Strategy for 2022-2025. We invite you to read it.


Our Trustees:

ReportOUT are supported by a strong, dedicated, and international set of Trustees. You can read more about them, here.



We are members of ILGA, the LGBT+ Consortium, and NCVO. We are also active members of the U.K. Alliance for Global Equality.

Awards, agreements and quality marks:







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